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🇬🇷 Moussaka

Autorenbild: Private Taste by AnitaPrivate Taste by Anita

Aktualisiert: 17. Juni 2021

Diese Rezeptur kommt von unserer Villa - Vermieterin Katharina aus 🇬🇷Skopelos, die uns damit im Urlaub bekocht hat!

Das Moussaka schmeckt soooo gut, dass ich die Rezeptur einfach in meinem Blog aufnehmen musste!

Mein Tipp für Dich:

Wer nicht englisch kann - einfach Zutaten und Beschreibung kopieren und im google translator übersetzen lassen, das klappt wunderbar!


500 grams of minced meat

2 eggplants

2 potatoes

2 ripe tomatoes

1 regular onion

1 clove garlic

1 glass of red wine

1/2 teaspoon tomato belde

A small parsley

1 kg of milk

1 tablespoon full of butter

4 tablespoons flour

1 egg

A little grated parmesan

Salt, 5 Pices Pepper, 1 cinnamon, olive oil

Finely chop the onion and garlic. Pour into a saucepan a glass of wine full of olive oil and after switch on the kitchen to full, add the onion and garlic. Saute them and add the minced meat. Saute it too and then quench it with the red wine. Then add the 2 ripe tomatoes after chopping them first and peel them. In a glass of water, stir the tomato paste to dissolve and throw it in the pot as well. Season with salt and pepper, add the spices, cinnamon and let it start boiling. Lower the temperature and let it boil until it becomes like a nice sauce.

After chopping the parsley, add it to the minced meat 3 minutes before stopping the cooking.

Peel and wash the aubergines and potatoes and cut them into long narrow slices. In a pan, cover its surface with an oil paper and place the slices of the aubergines after first seasoning them with salt and pepper and skipping them with a little olive oil. Set our oven on the grill and bake the aubergines at 180 C until they get a nice color.

In a pan, fry the potatoes until they get a nice color and place them on absorbent paper towels to absorb the oils.

Put the butter in a saucepan and sauté it with the flour. We have ready the milk that we have heated and we add it to our sautéed ingredients. We stir constantly so that they do not stick. Once the mixture thickens, remove from the heat and continue stirring, adding two tablespoons of grated parmesan and the egg, which we have beaten first.

In a pan, pour a little grated parmesan on its base and cover it alternately in layers of eggplant and potato. When we layer all our ingredients, we add the minced meat and finally the cream. Sprinkle grated Parmesan over the cream and place the pan in the oven at 200 C resistance up and down. The moussaka should be ready in about 45 minutes. Good appetite!


So schmeckt Moussaka richtig traumhaft gut!

Begleitet mit griechischem Salat …. Einfach wundervoll!


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